NeuroWorks® EEG System

NeuroWorks® EEG System
The Natus NeuroWorks platform simplifies the process of collecting, monitoring, trending and managing data for routine EEG testing, ambulatory EEG, long-term monitoring, ICU monitoring, and research studies. NeuroWorks systems are scalable to meet the needs of private practice clinics, hospitals and large teaching facilities. Natus NeuroWorks is a cutting-edge, single solution for EEG, LTM, ICU, Sleep, and Research Studies, exhibiting an advanced software for clinical excellence.
The Microsoft SQL-based NeuroWorks database is a powerful tool that simplifies the management of patient, study and laboratory data. Filter studies by date, status, diagnosis, or use any built-in editable field to create custom filters for your unique needs. Track outcomes and filter by statistical indices that are calculated in the reports. The distributed database automatically updates system settings across the network to ensure that all workstations have current lab settings.
Key Features:
- EEG/Sleep combo software package
- Integrated SQL Server based distributed database
- Simple set up, collection, review, analysis, and reporting
- Multiple spike and event analysis plus many additional Advanced Trending options
- Physiologic Monitoring Integration options
- Visual montage editor
- Fully-synchronized Full HD video
- User customizable personal workspaces
- SDK for direct data access for research
- XLSecurity - Built-in HIPAA compliance software for role-based operation with Active Directory integration
- Stream data directly to a server for reliability and security
- Cerebrum Software provides a centralized and efficient software update process
- Data-stream Wizard with two data streams for efficient clinical and research workflow*
- Integrates with a full range of powerful amplifiers covering all your clinical needs
*Only available with Quantum and Natus Brain Monitor amplifiers